Wednesday, April 10, 2013


So recently I've been creating little things for my classroom. Yep, even though I have no idea what grade I'll be teaching...or if I'll even have a job in August...but I like to be prepared. I guess you could say I'm a little excited about getting my own classroom. Just a little bit.

Anyways, like the blog post says, Chevron. Chevron everywhere. I downloaded some chevron paper and I've been going crazy with it. My behavior clip chart is chevron. My "Where are you?" board (idea from Second Grade Style/Pinterest) is chevron. All my teacher organization binder covers? Chevron. That's all I've made so far because I don't want to get too specific since I don't know what grade I'll be teaching. Why is chevron so appealing? I hope it's still "in style" in August?!?! Does anyone else have a chevron addiction like me?

Also, I want to get a laminator. Most schools have them in the teacher's lounge or workroom but I think it would best to have one that I could keep in my classroom or even bring home if I wanted to. I've been eyeing this one. It has good reviews and it's only $30. Any of you teachers have any experience with it?

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Teaching Books Wish-List

Even though I have graduated from college, I still feel like I have a lot to learn about teaching. After I graduated in December, I bought several professional development books off of Amazon...aaaannnnddd I've already finished them. What can I say, I love learning more about how I can help my future students get the most out of learning in my classroom. I decided to start an Amazon Wish-List filled with teaching books I want to buy and read over the summer.

Here are some of the ones I'm most looking forward to reading:

The Daily 5 is something that I have experienced in many classrooms that I've been in, however I have not done much research into it. Also, since I've never had my own classroom I've never gone through the steps of implementing Daily 5 in my classroom. This book will be just what I need to learn more about the process so I'm ready to start it with my own classroom (hopefully) next school year!

I must admit, I have no experience with the CAFE system. I have not seen it in any of the classrooms I've been in. Which is why I want to read more about it!

  • Math Work Stations: Independent Learning You Can Count On, K-2

    I really like the idea of a Guided Math/Math Work Stations approach to teaching math. Not only is it a great way to differentiate, it keeps kiddos moving around the room and not sitting at their desks. Since I'm hoping to teach in the K-2 grades (hopefully 1st), this book is a must-have for me!

  • Literacy Work Stations: Making Centers Work
    You can never have enough Debbie Diller. Seriously. You can't. I'm always looking for new ideas for literacy centers. This book will be very helpful as a new teacher because it goes through how to set up and introduce work stations to the class. Awesome!

    I have several other books on my Wish-List but these are the ones I'm planning on buying very soon. Any other books you would recommend for a new teacher? Have a great weekend!